Our 1950's American Slang Word(s) of the Day today is:
Skin; n. 1. The hand as in the act of shaking hands. In several expressions=shake hands, e.g. "Give me some skin."; "Hand me that skin."; "Slip me some skin."; "Lay the skin on me."; and the like. Associated with jive use. 2. Ones life. Colloqu. 3. A stingy person; a skinflint. 4. A horse, esp. an old, worthless horse; specifically a racehorse. 5. A pocketbook; a wallet. orig. underworld use; since c. 1925; from leather of pigskin or of cowhide. 6. A dollar bill; a dollar. 7. any drum used in an orchestra or by a jazz musician, orig. and still predominantly jazz use since c.1930 8. a demerit. an official written reprimand. some WWII army and airforce use. some student use since c.1945 v.t. 1. to cheat, to take unwarranted advantage of. colloqu. 2. to defeat an opponent or opposing team decisively. skin-full. n. fig., containing a skin full of liquor. skin-ned. adj. Cheated; taken advantage of; having lost all or a large part of ones money to another in a gambling game or a business transaction, usually a dishonest one. Skin-s. n. plural. 1. a set of drums. jazz use. 2. Automobile tires. mainly hotrod use.
Example: "That Bastard Harry skinned my ass alive tonight. That sonofabitch is too goddamned lucky for my blood, too goddamned lucky!"
Clarification: "That Harold is despicable! I lost every bit of my money to him at the poker game tonight. I think he's a thoroughly mean, disagreeable man and I believe he must be cheating in order to have beaten me so badly!"
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