Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1950's American Slang Word(s) of the Day #8

Our 1950's American Slang word(s) of the Day today is:

Prom Trotter: n. 1. A very popular girl; especially a female student who attends many formal dances. Student use. -2. A male student who is very active in college social life; one who goes to all the dances and parties. -3. A ladies man.

Example: "Madge, did you hear? That Millicent! She got asked to Friday nights dance by Billy, Tommy, Bobby and Buzz! Can you believe it? She's a real Prom Trotter, that one!"

Clarification: "Madge, did you hear the news about Millicent? Several good looking, popular young gentlemen issued her an invitation to the Friday night dance. I can hardly trust what I've heard, can you? Millicent attends an astonishing number of dances!"


  1. These slang posts are neat! I think I should start incorporating some 50's slang into my everyday conversations. Perhaps the upcoming holiday of hearts will provide me the opportunity to use the phrase "prom trotter". Thanks for the great post!

  2. I was searching for slang about dancing and found your post using "Prom Trotter". I love it ! Thanks !
