Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oleo and Soda and Tuna, Oh My!

If I recall correctly, 'Everything's better with Blue Bonnet on it!'

My grandparents called margarine "Oleo".
The history of Margarine is actually quite interesting,

I have to admit, this is a darn good looking treat. I honestly can't wait to try this recipe I found in a March 1958 Family Circle Magazine

I mean, YUM! It seems like many photographs of food during the fifties often look downright horrible....but this one looks great.

I'll bet ladies, you could use that new sheet of flaky dough that Pillsbury has now if you're not in the mood for the heavy work. I do get personal satisfaction, though, when I know I've done everything from scratch. It tastes soooo much yummier that way.

Nesbitt's Fruit Products Company started bottling Nesbitt's Orange Soda in 1938

Gee, I wonder why kids these days, or should I say society these days, always feel like the grass is greener on the other side of the fence! The power of advertising.

Oh LORD! I can't say one good thing about this absolutely horrible looking meal. I wonder if anyone
ever actually looked at this and thought "MMmm Look at that! I've just got to try it! " Yuck!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your comment at my blog, adding your blog to my links now :-)
