Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beauty is a thing of the past: Give Her an Outdoor Coif for Summer... Molded-to-the-Breeze!

If you love vintage, (especially hairstyles, make up, etc.)  and you don't go check this blog out, you then will be truly missing out. I spent mucho time there today and didn't want to leave! It;s full of wonderful scans of vintage hairstyle magazines, make up tips, fashion tips, etc. complete with the real how to do it instructions!  I know, I can get how to do a vintage hairstyle from any one of the billion and one YouTube videos out there but this is different. These are the real thing and there's LOTS of it. Check it out, it's way cool.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, that's a lovely blog. I collect vintage hairstyling magazines too, but I only wish I had half of that collection.

    You have so much eye candy here! I'll be back to visit again. Thank you for visiting me!
