Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Stuff and The Scandal About Me

The active ingredients in the original Clearasil product were sulfur and resorcinol
       The stuff was created in 1950 by Ivan Combe (an inventor of personal-care products)  with the help of chemist, Kedzie Teller.

These "Draw Me" ads have also been around for quite awhile! I didn't realize how long until I started collecting magazines from the 50's. They've been around since 1914 and I happen to have grown pretty fond of their ads. I'm going to search them out and share them here with you.

Cheez-Its were first made by Sunshine Biscuit Company in 1921

This came from a January, 1951 issue of True Romance


  1. the scandal of me cover is priceless.

  2. Yum, I love those crackers so much and have honestly wondered before how long they'd been on the market. Thanks for providing me an answer, sweetie! :)

    Big thanks, too, for your recent comment on Chronically Vintage. I really hope that your year is off to a sparklingly fantastic start, and that each of the days that follows will continually be even more amazing for you than the last!

    Big hugs & endless joyful wishes for 2010,
    ♥ Jessica
